Quality Care in Redondo Beach, CA

What Happens at a Yearly Dental Exam?

During a yearly dental exam, there are several things that will take place. The dental hygienist will come in and do an intake where she gathers information and takes notes that the doctor will need during the exam. X-rays will be taken if they are needed. The hygienist will clean the teeth, review oral hygiene instructions, and prepare a fluoride treatment. The dentist will come in and talk to the patient about any concerns they may have and then thoroughly examine the mouth. The exam will cover all the hard and soft tissues like the teeth, jaw, tongue and gums. The dentist will go over any strong points or weak areas that may be found and schedule an additional appointment if one is needed to correct dental caries/cavities or any dental deficiencies.

Should a Person Still Receive Yearly Exams If They Have Dentures?

Individuals who have dentures should still be seen by their regular dentist at least once a year. The yearly dental exam does more than just check a person’s teeth. It also provides valuable information when it comes to the general health of the body. Gums that are pink and healthy-looking can indicate good circulation and breathing patterns. Gums that are dull and gray may indicate poor circulation and possible neurological disease. If a person’s gums bleed, it may indicate some type of periodontal disease that can disrupt the normal balance of bacteria in the mouth and throw off the body’s ability to digest food properly.
Dentist In REDONDO Beach, CA

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