Smile Design in Redondo Beach, CA

What Types of Procedures Are Considered Cosmetic?

Cosmetic procedures include veneers, teeth whitening systems, certain types of teeth straightening systems, and corrective procedures that are not vital for the health of the individual. Cosmetic procedures are usually the procedures that insurance providers won’t cover. A person’s health does not rely on the procedure. In most cases, cosmetic procedures are only performed to improve a person’s looks or give them a more natural smile.

Are Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures Covered by Insurance?

Because most cosmetic dentistry procedures are not performed for a justifiable health reason, they are generally not covered by insurance. In cases where a person’s face and teeth have been severely damaged due to an accident, injury, or illness, some insurance companies may make an exception, especially if the person can receive some type of health benefit from the procedure. Most dentists will check with their insurance providers to make sure the procedure is covered by insurance before moving forward with it. Certain restorative procedures are covered by insurance as well.

What Is Restorative Dentistry?

Restorative dentistry is the term given to restorative measures that are used to restore proper form and function to the mouth after a traumatic accident or illness. Individuals who have a cleft lip, for example, may require several surgeries to create a palate and align the teeth in an attempt to create a way for them to eat and chew their food, just like any other person. This may involve manufacturing false teeth or creating a bridge that can be put in place to prevent the rest of the teeth from shifting during the healing process. Traumatic damage can be caused by many different things and restorative treatment options can help restore a person’s smile and self-esteem.
Dentist In Manhattan Beach, CA

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