Root Canals are Effective at Saving Teeth
Ahn Dental Specialists
October 1, 2019

At Ahn Dental Specialists we pride ourselves on offering the most precise and gentle care, keeping you relaxed throughout every visit. We utilize advanced technology and methods to provide stress-free solutions for all your dental needs, including root canal, a procedure used to strengthen and preserve the teeth.  

Underneath the outermost biting surface of each tooth is a layer of core tissues, blood vessels and nerves, which comprise the dental pulp. When a tooth has been compromised by decay or injury, bacteria can enter and infect the dental pulp, leading to the uncomfortable symptoms of a toothache. If you experience sensitivity to hot and cold, pain when biting down, or any type of oral discomfort, it is important to contact our office immediately. We will promptly and accurately examine your teeth, gums and their supporting bone structure to determine an effective course of action, if root canal procedure or some other type of dental care is needed.

With a root canal procedure, a dental infection can be treated, the discomfort of a toothache alleviated and subsequent damage to your oral health prevented. Throughout the course of your root canal procedure our dentist and staff will keep you informed and at ease, addressing any anxiety or concerns that may arise during treatment. Following the procedure, we may recommend placing a dental crown over your treated tooth, to help strengthen and protect it, and to restore its function and appearance. A tooth that has been treated with a root canal can remain healthy and functional throughout your life.

Whether you need a root canal or any kind of dental service, it’s important to find a dentist who prioritizes your comfort and tailors treatment to meet your particular needs. At the office of Ahn Dental Specialists, we provide the highest quality care, making it easier to maintain a lifetime of excellent oral health. To learn more about root canal therapy and the other services we provide, give us a call today.

By Ahn Dental Specialists

October 1, 2019

Dentist In Manhattan Beach, CA

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