Four Ways to Help Kids Enjoy Brushing Their Teeth
Ahn Dental Specialists
October 1, 2022

Youngsters like to participate in a variety of activities. Unfortunately, brushing their teeth probably isn’t one of them. But a change in attitude can make a world of difference. Parents can help their offspring by drumming up enthusiasm for it in them.

When you need the services of a top-notch dentist, rely on Ahn Dental Specialists. All of our patients recognize the quality of our care from the moment they enter our office. We consider every patient to be unique regarding his/her wants, needs and preferences.

Turn each session into two minutes of fun.

In other words, don’t make kids just stand there performing a dull routine. Create an engaging two-minute event twice a day. Turn up the volume on your kid’s favorite songs and transform it into a dance party. They’ll be shocked by how quickly the time passes. Young children might be more amused if you use funny hand gestures and dance moves. Whatever tactic you employ, switch things up so brushing time is always an entertaining time.

Make it a routine from which they won’t stray.

Have brushing their teeth in the morning and before bedtime be a no-big-deal standard practice. If your kids make an adverse fuss about their oral care and consider it an unnecessary inconvenience, tell them about all consequences—cavities, fillings, bad breath, loose teeth—that can result from dental neglect.

Use positive reinforcement.

Who doesn’t like praise and reward for excellent work? If your child is big on stickers, create a chart and add one each time he brushes. If he likes bedtime stories, let him pick one out or read one to you. Or, you can simply tell him he did a great job and you’re proud of him.

The family that brushes together…

Parents are their children’s biggest influencers. You and/or your spouse (and any other youngsters at home) can make it a group effort in the morning or at night—or both. It will instill a sense of camaraderie and not make your child’s brushing a solitary task.

At the office of Ahn Dental Specialists, our team of dental professionals has the cutting-edge equipment and expertise to provide our patients with unmatched care. We welcome people of all ages and look forward to establishing long-lasting relationships. Please call us today for an appointment.

By Ahn Dental Specialists

October 1, 2022

Dentist In Manhattan Beach, CA

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